Radical resection of superior sagittal sinus meningioma with venous interposition graft and reimplantation of the rolandic veins

A case of a 48 year old women is reported in whom a haemangiopericytic meningioma involving the middle third of the superior sagittal sinus was radically excised. The sinus was replaced by a saphenous vein graft and the Rolandic veins were reinserted. During clamping of the sinus the patient was heparinized and hypothermia, hypotension and barbiturates were used to prevent swelling of the brain. The postoperative course was uncomplicated and patency of the graft was demonstrated 2 weeks after the operation by Doppler sonography performed through a midline burr hole. The technical details of the operation and the pertinent physiology of cerebral venous flow are discussed.