Foliar diagnosis of sugar maple decline by DRIS

Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) has proven a useful tool for interpreting foliar analyses of agronomic crops. The present study applies the system to sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) decline. DRIS foliar reference norms for N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, and Al were derived from extant data. The norms were tested for sensitivity for sampling protocols and for diagnostic accuracy, using literature data. Since the reference norms have been proven to possess diagnostic capabilities, they were subsequently used to calculate nutrient indices and to diagnose nutrient status of declining, and companion healthy, maple trees, again from published data. Results show the potential of DRIS as a diagnostic tool for assessment of nutrient status and for prescription of fertilizer that will provide a better tree nutrition and vigor. Further research on the development of reference norms and their subsequent testing in the field is essential to an accurate DRIS diagnosis for declining sugar maple.