Extract Phenothiazine (thiodiphenylamine) has been regarded as comparatively non-toxic for sheep although abortion in ewes dosed late in pregnancy has been recorded by Hungerford and Howe (1944) Andreasen, A. H. M. 1928. The grinding of materials. Theoretical and experimental researches on particle-size distribution incident to the distintegration process. Kolloidchem. Beih., 27: 349–458. [Crossref] [Google Scholar] . Whitlock et al. (1945) Whitlock, J. H. , Roderick, L. M. , Leasure, E. E. and Link, R. P. 1945. Outbreak of haemonchosis in feeder lambs. Cornell Vet., 35: 273–275. [Google Scholar] described a severe mortality in lambs within one to two weeks, of phenothiazine therapy. Post-mortem examination revealed anaemia, fatty degeneration of the liver and anasarca.

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