Diquark condensation in dense adjoint matter

We study SU(2) lattice gauge theory at non-zero chemical potential with one staggered quark flavor in the adjoint representation. In this model the fermion determinant, although real, can be both positive and negative. We have performed numerical simulations using both hybrid Monte Carlo and two-step multibosonic algorithms, the latter being capable of exploring sectors with either determinant sign. We find that the positive determinant sector behaves like a two-flavor theory, with the chiral condensate rotating into a two-flavor diquark condensate for mu>m_pi/2, implying a superfluid ground state. Good agreement is found with analytical predictions made using chiral perturbation theory. In the `full' model there is no sign of either onset of baryon density or diquark condensation for the range of chemical potentials we have considered. The impact of the sign problem has prevented us from exploring the true onset transition and the mode of diquark condensation, if any, for this model.

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