Crystal structure of the conserved core of the herpes simplex virus transcriptional regulatory protein VP16

On infection, the herpes simplex virus (HSV) virion protein VP16 (Vmw65; αTIF) forms a transcriptional regulatory complex—the VP16-induced complex—with two cellular proteins, HCF and Oct-1, on VP16-responsive cis-regulatory elements in HSV immediate-early promoters called TAATGARAT. Comparison of different HSV VP16 sequences reveals a conserved core region that is sufficient for VP16-induced complex formation. The crystal structure of the VP16 core has been determined at 2.1 Å resolution. The results reveal a novel, seat-like protein structure. Together with the activity of mutant VP16 proteins, the structure of free VP16 suggests that it contains (1) a disordered carboxy-terminal region that associates with HCF, Oct-1, and DNA in the VP16-induced complex, and (2) a structured region involved in virion assembly and possessing a novel DNA-binding surface that differentiates among TAATGARAT VP16-response elements.