Power spectral analysis of the electrocardiogram in diabetic children

In recent years it has been shown that alteration in heart rate variability can be used for the objective assessment of autonomic function in adult diabetic patients. Using a microcomputer based system for on-line monitoring and analysis of heart rate variability by power spectral analysis, 100 children with Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus were studied. A highly significant negative correlation was identified between heart rate variability and duration of diabetes (r = −0.88,p < 0.0001). The mean heart rate variability in patients with diabetes of duration 3 years or more was significantly lower in comparison to age-matched control subjects. A highly significant negative correlation was evident between heart rate variability and mean HbA1 in patients with duration of diabetes of 5 years or more. A mean HbA, over 10% during this period was associated with the greatest reduction in heart rate variability. Serial measurements of heart rate variability in diabetic children may be of predictive value prior to the onset of symptomatic neuropathy.