A mathematical model, heuristic, and simulation study for a basic data staging problem in a heterogeneous networking environment

Data staging is an important data management problem for a distributed heterogeneous networking environment, where each data storage location and intermediate node may have specific data available, storage limitations, and communication links. Sites in the network request data items and each item is associated with a specific deadline and priority. It is assumed that not all requests can be satisfied by their deadline. The work concentrates on solving a basic version of the data staging problem in which all parameter values for the communication system and the data request information represent the best known information collected so far and stay fixed throughout the scheduling process. A mathematical model for the basic data staging problem is introduced. Then, a multiple-source shortest-path algorithm based heuristic for finding a suboptimal schedule of the communication steps for data staging is presented. A simulation study is provided, which evaluates the performance of the proposed heuristic. The results show the advantages of the proposed heuristic over two random based scheduling techniques. This research, based on the simplified static model, serves as a necessary step toward solving the more realistic and complicated version of the data staging problem involving dynamic scheduling, fault tolerance, and determining where to stage data.