Growth of the extreme thermophile Sulfolobus acidocaldarius in a hyperbaric helium bioreactor

The relationship between pressure and temperature as it affects microbial growth and metabolism has been examined only for a limited number of bacterial species. Because many newly‐discovered, extremely thermophilic bacteria have been isolated from pressurized environments, this relationship merits closer scrutiny. In this study, the extremely thermophilic bacterium, Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, was cultured successfully in a hyperbaric chamber containing helium and air enriched with 5% carbon dioxide. Over a pressure range of approximately 1–120 bar and a temperature range of 67–80°C, growth was achieved in a heterotrophic medium with the air mixture at partial pressures up to 3.5 bar. Helium was used to obtain the final, desired incubation pressure. No significant growth was noted above 80°C over the same range of hyperbaric pressures, or at 70°C when pressure was applied hydrostatically. Growth experiments conducted under hyperbaric conditions may provide a means to study these bacteria under simulated in situ conditions and simultaneously avoid the complications associated with hydrostatic experiments. Results indicate that hyperbaric helium bioreactors will be important in the study of extremely thermophilic bacteria that are isolated from pressurized environments.