An organism has been isolated which grows aerobically on methylamine, methanol, formate or formamide as sole sources of C and energy. Neither methane nor formaldehyde serves as growth substrate, nor can the organism grow autotrophically at the expense of oxidation of H. Certain mono- and di-carboxylic acids, amino acids, amines and glucose will also support growth in an otherwise mineral medium. The organism is a pink-colored, gram-negative, motile rod (0.8 [mu] x 2.0 [mu]) with a single polar flagellum. It is identified as a species of Pseudomonas and is referred to as Pseudomonas AM 1. With methanol as growth substrate, the optimum growth conditions of Pseudomonas AM 1 are obtained at pH 7, at a temperature of 30[degree], and at a methanol concentration of 0.5-1% (v/v). No requirement for any growth factor was found. The oxidative abilities of the methanol-, formate- and succinate-grown organism have been examined manometrically. The solubility and spectral characteristics of the pink pigments suggest that they are unsaturated carotenoids. Methanol-grown Pseudomonas AM 1 contains poly-[beta]-hydroxybutyrate to the extent of about 6% of its dry Weight. The properties of Pseudomonas AM 1 are compared with those of other similar organisms.