Transplacental amniocentesis: Is it really a higher‐risk procedure?

The aim of this study was to compare transplacental with non‐transplacental amniocentesis in terms of related complications. Between January 1991 and December 1992, 4564 genetic amniocenteses were performed in 4527 patients (4491 singleton, 35 twin, and one triplet pregnancy) at 15–16 weeks of gestation. All the procedures were ultrasound‐guided and performed by the same operator. In 1487 cases, an anterior placenta was traversed with the needle, whereas in 3077 cases, the needle was inserted directly into the amniotic cavity without traversing the placenta. After the exclusion of patients in whom amniotic cell culture failed or in whom an abnormal karyotype was obtained, and of patients lost to follow‐up, a total of 4454 patients (98 per cent) were followed for 30 days after amniocentesis. Two spontaneous abortions occurred after a transplacental procedure, and five after a non‐transplacental procedure (P = not significant). There were no episodes of amniotic fluid leakage in the first group, whereas 16 ruptures of the membranes that resolved spontaneously occurred in the second group (P<0·01). Our data suggest that transplacental amniocentesis carries a similar abortive risk to and a lower risk of transient rupture of the membranes than non‐transplacental amniocentesis and may therefore be preferred at the gestational period examined (15–16 weeks). However, the risk of feto‐maternal haemorrhage, which is reported to be higher for a transplacental procedure, must be considered in the case of an anterior placenta.