Experimental observation of enhanced nonresonant nonlinear optical responses from optically pumped electronic excited states

Enhancement of greater than 2 orders of magnitude of nonresonant third-harmonic generation from an optically pumped S1 electronic excited state is experimentally observed for quasi-two-dimensional conjugated disklike structures. The isotropically averaged S1 excited-state microscopic susceptibility 〈γ1S(-3ω;ω,ω,ω)〉 is -1640±100×1036 esu, and the corresponding macroscopic χS1(3)(-3ω;ω,ω,ω) exhibits temporal decay and pump-power saturation behavior associated with the expected decay and saturation of the S1 state. The enhancement mechanism through optical pumping followed by a nonresonant nonlinear optical probe is generalizable to both second- and third-order optical processes in nonlinear optical media.