Improved Ruthenium II tris (bathophenantroline disulfonate) staining and destaining protocol for a better signal‐to‐background ratio and improved baseline resolution

In proteomics the ability to visualize proteins from electropherograms is essential. Here a new protocol for staining and destaining gels treated with Ruthenium II tris (bathophenantroline disulfonate) is presented. The method is compared with the silver-staining procedure of Swain and Ross, the Ruthenium II tris (bathophenantroline disulfonate) stain described by Rabilloud (Rabilloud T., Strub, S. M. Luche, S., Girardet, S. L. et al., Proteomics 2001, 1, 699–704) and the SYPRO Ruby gel stain. The method offers a better signal-to-background ratio with improved baseline resolution for both sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels and two-dimensional gels.

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