FTIR observation of N≡N stretching fundamentals in hydrogen-bonded complexes in solid argon

Codeposition of Ar/HF and Ar/N2 samples at 10 K produced the N2--H–F complex as evidenced by a very strong H–F stretching fundamental at 3881.4 cm−1 and a weak new 2332.1 cm−1 band assigned here to the N 3/4 N stretching fundamental based on 14,15N2 and 15N2 substitution. A blue DF shift to 2332. 8 cm−1 indicates a slightly stronger deuterium bond in these floppy complexes relative to the 2327.5 cm−1 Raman fundamental for N2 isolated in solid argon. Similar results were obtained for the weaker HCl and H2O complexes. Three bond stretching modes were observed for the N2--H–F--H–F complex.