To facilitate calculation of the effects of electron-electron interaction in insulators, a dielectric model is developed analogous to one used by Overhauser to discuss correlation in metals. In this model the dynamical many-electron problem is replaced by a field-theoretic problem in which an electron interacts with a "plasmon" field representing the valence-charge distribution. For small wave vector q the plasmon dispersion ω(q) approaches the bulk plasma frequency; at large q, ω(q)q22m, corresponding to single-particle excitations. To determine the electron-plasmon coupling Poisson's equation and the sum rule on oscillator strength are employed. Calculated self-energies of an electron (or hole) due to correlation are large, typically 13 Ry, though substantially reduced by recoil effects if the electron mass is small. Exchange effects lead to further reduction. The crucial importance of short-range (large-q) dielectric behavior is emphasized.