Induction of Cytotoxic Activity in Sera by Immunomodulators

Capacity of 7 immunomodulating agents to induce cytotoxic factor in the sera was examined in mice. These agents were injected intravenously to Bacillus Calmette-Guerin-sensitized C3H/He mice and the sera were collected 2 h later. Cytotoxic activity of the sera was tested against L929 cells in the presence of actinomycin D. Poly(I)-poly(C), concanavalin A and a Streptococcus preparation OK432 induced cytotoxic factors as well as bacterial lipopolysaccharide. However, dextran sulfate, lentinan and a linear .beta.-1 .fwdarw. 3-glucan, TAK did not. These agents have been classified according to the extent to which they increase LB, a serum protein in mice. In comparison with the classification, these results were discussed.