The Effect of Urea, Urethane and Other Carbamates on Bacterial Growth

6% urea, 2-3% urethane, 1-2% propyl carbamate and 0.5-0.75% butyl carbamate produced the same degree of bacteriostasis for many organisms. 10% urethane and 20% urea acting through varying periods of time were equally bactericidal at 37[degree]C. for many organisms. All the carbamates, in varying concs., inhibited para-aminobenzoic acid, using Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus in synthetic and horse serum-veal infusion media. The carbamates increased the solubility and bacteriostatic activity of the sulfonamides. Urethane was greatly superior to urea in all respects. The mode of action of the carbamates on bact. growth is not certain. 10 gm. urethane plus 1 gm. sulfanilamide in 100 ml. of water sterilized wounds particularly where Gram-negative bacteria were predominant.