Static magnetization direction under perpendicular surface anisotropy

The problem of depth dependence of the magnetization tilt angle θ(z) is solved analytically for an exchange-coupled ferromagnet with dipole energy, applied field, and surface anisotropy Ks. For Ks≤(πM2A)1/2=Kc, the surface magnetization direction remains in the plane, θs=θ(0)=π/2. For KsKc, the magnetization vector moves out of the surface, initially with dθs/dKs=-∞, then slowly approaches θs=0 as Ks approaches infinity. For Fe, Kc is of order 4 erg/cm2. The results indicate that a perpendicular component of magnetization at the surface relaxes to its bulk in-plane orientation over a distance that is generally much shorter than the bulk domain-wall width. The surface remanence and initial susceptibility of the surface magnetization for in-plane applied field are calculated and provide useful expressions for interpreting experimental results. The experimentally measured surface magnetization increases linearly with probe sensitivity depth.