Genetic Evaluation of Dairy Goat Bucks for Daughter Milk and Fat

Genetic evaluations were computed for milk and fat for 3181 Alpine, 1039 LaMancha, 4455 Nubian, 1449 Saanen, and 1546 Toggenburg bucks. These evaluations were based on 58,562 lactations of 43,913 does that kidded from 1976 through 1982. Best linear unbiased predictions were computed with relationships among multiherd bucks and information from all lactations included. An interaction between herd and sire was included in the model. Evaluations were computed across breed, which allowed does of different breeds to be herdmates. Bucks were grouped by breed and herd usage (single herd vs. multiherd). Correlations between evaluations computed with and without relationships were only 0.84-0.88, which indicates that relationships had a significant effect. Evaluations of 2491 bucks with Repeatability 15% or more were released to the industry.