Human brain dopamine receptors in children and aging adults

Since spontaneous oral dyskinesias are more prevalent in the elderly, and since these movements may be controlled by the balance of brain dopamine D1 and D2 dopamine receptors, we measured the densities of these receptors in 247 postmortem brain striata. In childhood, the densities of D1 and D2 dopamine receptors in the brain striatum rise and fall together. After age 20 years, D1 receptors disappear at 3.2% per decade while D2 receptors disappear at about 2.2% per decade. Overall, therefore, the D1/D2 ratio falls with age. Since perioral motion in rats is dominated by a high D1/D2 ratio, the observed decline in the human D1/D2 ratio with age suggests that the perioral control mechanisms for humans and rats may be different.