A sphere in shear flow at finite Reynolds number: effect of shear on particle lift, drag, and heat transfer

Three-dimensional numerical solutions have been obtained for steady, linear shear flow past a fixed, heated spherical particle over a wide range of Reynolds number (0.1 [les ] R [les ] 100) and dimensionless shear rates (0.005 [les ] α [les ] 0.4). The results indicate that at a fixed shear rate, the dimensionless lift coefficient is approximately constant over a wide range of intermediate Reynolds numbers, and the drag coefficient also remains constant when normalized by the known values of drag for a sphere in uniform flow. At lower values of the Reynolds number, the lift and drag coefficients increase sharply with decreasing R, with the lift coefficient being directly proportional to R−½. For the range of shear rates studied here, the rate of heat transfer to the particle surface was found to depend only on the Reynolds number, that is, it was insensitive to the shear rate. The dimensionless rate of heat transfer, the Nussel number Nu, was seen to increase monotonically with R.