A simple implanted device was used to occlude acutely the left middle cerebral artery (MCA) of 16 conscious cats. Eight received no treatment and 8 were given intravenous mannitol (1.2 gm/kg) at the time of occlusion. The initial neurological findings in both groups were similar, that is, agitation, forced circling, and right hemiparesis. The treated cats remained alert but the untreated cats became lethargic and drowsy. Perfusion with a mixture of colloidal carbon and buffered paraformaldehyde was carried out from 30 minutes to 6 hours following MCA occlusion. Results of morphological examination of brains from the treated and untreated groups suggested that mannitol had a protective effect upon cerebral tissue during the primary phase of acute focal ischemia. Light microscopic analysis of neuronal alterations demonstrated considerable preservation of neurons in brains of treated cats. Beneficial effect of mannitol was attributed partly to prevention of capillary narrowing and suppression of ischemic cerebral edema.