How does the classical notion of ‘‘phase’’ apply to a quantum harmonic oscillator H=1/2(q^2+p^2), [q^,p^]=iħ, which cannot have sharp position and momentum? A quantum state ρ^ can be assigned a definite classical phase only if it is a large-amplitude localized state. Our only demand, therefore, on a (Hermitian) phase operator φ^ is that the phase distribution P(Φ)= Tr{δ(φ^-Φ)ρ^} attribute the correct sharp phase to any such ‘‘classical phase’’ state. This requires that the Weyl symbol [φ^]w(q,p) of φ^ tend to θ mod2π as r→∞, where θ=tan1(p/q) and r=(q2+p2 )1/2. There are infinitely many such phase operators. Each is expressible as φ^=[tan1(p^/q^)]Ω, where Ω specifies an ordering rule for q^ and p^. The commutator -i[H^,φ^]=1-2π[δ(tan1p^/q^)]Ω corresponds to the Poisson bracket {H,φcl }PB=1-2πδ(θ) for the single-valued classical phase φcl=θ mod2π. Phase states Γ^(Φ) are defined by the condition that their Weyl symbols [Γ^(Φ)]w(r,θ)→δ(θ-Φ) as r→∞. If moreover 02πdΦΓ^(Φ)=1^, then Γ^(Φ) is a phase probability operator measure (POM). In particular, δ(φ^-Φ) is a phase POM.

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