Expression of Liver Functions in Imrnortalised Rot Hepotocyte Cell Lines

The differentiated hepatic function of two rat liver cell lines, P9 and SV40RH1, immortalised by transfection with SV40 DNA has been investigated in terms of the glutathione synthesis, and the activities of γ-glutamyltransferase, glutathione-S-transferase and UDP-glucuronosyltransferase. SV40RH1 is a highly differentiated cell line at early passage, but the expression of some aspects of its differentiated phenotype is unstable and some functions are lost by passage 12-13. P9 is a less-well differentiated cell line, with relatively stable expression of functions between passages 4 and 13. In terms of differentiated function both cell lines represent a marked improvement over primary cultures of rat hepatocytes which de-differentiate rapidly within 24-48 h in culture. This retention of liver function in proliferating cell lines offers the opportunity to use such cells in in vitro toxicological studies.