We point out that the lower bound on $m_t$ from the CP violation parameter $\epsilon_K$ has increased considerably. Using Wolfenstein parametrization of the CKM matrix we derive an analytic expression for this bound as a function of $\mid V_{cb}\mid, \mid V_{ub}/V_{cb}\mid$ and the non-perturbative parameter $B_K$. For $B_K\leq 0.80,\mid V_{cb} \mid\leq 0.040$ and $\mid V_{ub}/V_{cb}\mid\leq 0.10$ we find $m_t > 130 GeV$. However, for $B_K \leq 0.70, \mid V_{cb}\mid \leq 0.038 $ and $\mid V_{ub}/V_{cb}\mid \leq 0.08$ the bound is raised to $m_t > 205~GeV$. The lower bound on $m_t$ from $B^o-\bar B^o$ mixing is also reconsidered.

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