I studied the survival and development of a 1986 cohort of northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) seedlings growing under a variety of overstory and microsite conditions in a northern hardwood forest dominated by northern red oak, red maple (Acer rubrum L.) paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.), and scattered white pine (Pinus strobus L.). Fifty naturally regenerating seedlings of oak were randomly selected in each of three canopy classes: no overstory, partial overstory, and complete overstory. Growth and mortality were measured for six years. Seedling height growth decreased with overstory density, with less growth evident with even a partial overstory. Seedling survival also declined with overstory density and depended on microtopography to a lesser extent. After six years, 92% of the seedlings survived in the open, compared to 54% under the partial overstory, and 36% under the complete overstory. The open environment, in which woody and herbaceous regrowth formed a low canopy reducing light intensities to about 50% of full sunlight, provided a favorable site for the growth and survival of northern red oak.