Deuteron breakup at 2.1 and 1.25 GeV

Inclusive differential cross section and analyzing power T20 in A(d,p)X at 2.1 GeV and for protons at are presented for the targets H1, He4, C12, Ti, and Sn. In addition, data for H1 at 1.25 GeV are also shown. For all targets the cross-section data show a similarity in shape when plotted as a function of q, the proton momentum in the deuteron frame, each target exhibiting a shoulder near q=0.30–0.35 GeV/c. Likewise, T20 values are largely independent of the target’s A value. When compared with higher-energy data for (d12,p)X, the new results establish the universality of the shoulder over the energy range 1.257.4 GeV, as well as the energy independence of T20. The (d1,p)X data are compared with the results of a nonrelativistic calculation of the six lowest-order graphs of the process using elastic, on-shell NN amplitudes and the Paris NN potential deuteron wave function. The calculated cross sections have no shoulder at either of the two energies of this experiment; the observed behavior of T20 is reproduced qualitatively only. Comparisons with (p2,2p) and (e2,e’p) data are made and various possible origins for the anomalous shoulder discussed, including π rescattering, Δ excitation, and a six quark component in the deuteron.