Paediatric palliative care: a lack of research-based evidence

Providing the best possible care for the child and family is paramount to health professionals working in paediatric palliative care. However, there is little research which enables practitioners to question their current practice. There are concerns about conducting research on children receiving palliative care at such a sensitive time for the child and his/her family. These concerns must be considered against the growing demand for clear standards and guidelines for practice within health care. According to the Department of Health (DoH) there is no place within the modern healthcare system for the adoption of unproven theories or outdated care (DoH, 1998). While no-one would question the dedication and care being delivered to children and their families by well-trained staff, the lack of research is a cause for concern. A group of students undertaking a degree module in paediatric palliative care identified the lack of literature and research in this area and have undertaken a review of the available literature.