It is a well‐known fact that more or less pronounced perturbations or oscillations occur on the records from all observatories, if the variometers used are sufficiently sensitive. Eschenhagen1 who first investigated these small perturbations, used an H‐variometer with a sensitivity of 0.3 γ/mm and speed of registration of 4mm/min. The registrations showed that in a number of cases these smallest perturbations consisted of fairly regular sinusoidal oscillations. The period of the oscillations varied, but it was most frequently 30 to 40 seconds with an amplitude of 1γ to 2γ. Eschenhagen also showed that by increasing the sensitivity of the variometers further details were not obtained on the curves. He called these smallest perturbations elementary waves as they, in his opinion, represented the limit in the analysis of the perturbations of the magnetic field. These elementary waves of Eschenhagen are especially interesting since among the various forms of magnetic perturbations they exhibit a simple geometric one.

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