Summary: The instrumentation necessary for precise and fast correlation of images derived from a light optical microscope (LM) and a scanning electron microscope (SEM) operated in the reflective mode, is described. The specimens can be mounted on standard microscope slides (25 × 75 mm), SEM‐stubs (12 mm ø), or on transmission EM grids (3 mm ø). The instrumentation consists of two parts: an attachable precision stage for an LM, and an attachable slide carrier for the stage of an SEM. By taking into account the vernier readings of the stages of both microscopes (LM and SEM), identical particles in a specimen can be found instantaneously under either microscope. Therefore it is concluded that the use of this instrumentation in correlative microscopy (LM → SEM → LM) is time saving, and especially recommended on fragile biological specimens, which may deteriorate rapidly under the electron beam of an SEM.