Replacement of maize by triticale in broiler diets

The N-corrected metabolizable energy contents of the triticale varieties ''Multi Graze'', ''Graze Grain 70'', ''204'' and ''131'' were 12.28, 12.69, 12.37 and 12.03 MJ/kg, respectively. Increasing proportions (0, 25, 50 or 75%) of the maize of a diet were replaced by triticale ''131'' to provide diets of equal energy and N contents for broilers. These diets resulted in weight gains of 1.775, 1.782, 1.713 and 1.808 kg, respectively, at 8 wk and there were no significant differences among efficiencies of food conversions. Dressed carcass weights as percentages of body weight were 74.38, 75.01, 73.98 and 74.50, respectively, and did not differ significantly. Triticale in the diet did not seem to influence the relative weights of either liver or gizzard. The flavor of the meat seemed to become less acceptable as the triticale in the diet increased but there were no significant differences in tenderness and juiciness of the meat caused by the treatments.