Regularized semiclassical radial propagator for the Coulomb potential

We derive a regularized semiclassical radial propagator for the Coulomb potential, a case for which standard approaches run into well-known difficulties associated with a non-Cartesian radial coordinate and a potential singularity. Following Kleinert [Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics, Statistics and Polymer Physics (World Scientific, Singapore, 1990)], we first perform a quantum-mechanical regularization of the propagator. The semiclassical limit is then obtained by stationary phase approximation of the resulting integrals. The semiclassical propagator so derived has the standard Van Vleck–Gutzwiller form for the radial Coulomb problem with a potential correction (Langer modification) term included. The regularized semiclassical propagator is applied to compute the autocorrelation function for a Gaussian Rydberg wave packet.

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