Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone in the Human Hypothalamus. Free-Floating Immunostaining Method.

We have clearly demonstrated corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) immunoreactive cell bodies and nerve fibers in the human hypothalamus by immunocytochemistry using free-floating sections instead of paraffin-embedded sections. Human hypothalami were obtained at autopsy, fixed and cryostatsectioned at 40μm. Free-floating sections were immunostained with antibody to CRH using the Vector ABC system. Most of CRH immunoreactive nerve fibers ffom the paraventricular nucleus pass under the fbrnix, while some CRH immunoreactive nerve fibers pass beyond the fornix and some through the fornix. Then the CRH immunoreactive nerve fibers run downward, medially to the supraoptic nucleus and toward the pituitary stalk. This method of immunocytochemistry is a very sensitive and suitable means for immunocytochemical studies of neuropeptides in the human brain.