Geochronological investigation of the quartzofeldspathic rocks of the Lewisian of Rona, Inner Hebrides

Rona Island consists of Lewisian quartzofeldspathic gneisses and amphibolites that show the effects of polyphase deformation. The age of the gneisses, from a six point Rb-Sr whole rock isochron, with λ 87 Rb 1.39 × 10 −11 yr −1, is 2790 ± 210 m.y. This is not significantly different from the age of 2710 ± 20 m.y. determined from zircon fractions from a single block of the gneiss. These results are interpreted as reflecting amphibolite facies metamorphism and gneiss formation, associated with the first recognized fold phase, during the Scourian orogenic episode A Rb-Sr age for unaltered muscovite books from a pegmatite emplaced in the hinge zone of a fold of the third deformational phase is 1740 ± 10m.y. and a Rb-Sr whole rock isochron for a later granite sheet, emplaced between the fifth and sixth fold phases is 1680 ± 170 m.y. These igneous events, and the fold phases between them, belong to the later part of the Laxfordian orogenic episode. No isotopic disturbance of the Rb-Sr whole rock systems of the analysed gneisses has taken place during the Laxfordian episode and no isotopic events between the c 2700 m.y. and c 1700 m.y. episodes have been found in the quartzo, feldspathic rocks. K-Ar ages on the muscovite samples suggest minor opening of minerals to argon loss sometime after 1740 m.y.