Malformations of the Epididymis in Undescended Testis

Epididymal abnormalities in undescended testes are probably more common than suggested in the literature but only sporadic reports are found on this subject. For many years discussions have centered around the ideal age to operate on patients with undescended tests and consequently increase chances for future fertility. We analyzed 66 patients (82 testes) treated for undescended testis in our department, with special distinction between ectopia and cryptorchidism. Abnormalities ranged from simple epididymal elongation to more complex forms, such as complete disruption between the testis and epididymis. Among 49 ectopic testes the epididymides of 19 (38.8%) displayed more severe abnormalities in addition to elongation, while 16 (32.6%) showed only an elongated epididymis and 14 (28.6%) were normal. Among the 33 cryptorchid testes 29 (87.9%) showed the more complex anomalies and elongation, 3 (9.1%) were normal and only 1 (3%) was elongated. Our results demonstrate a much higher incidence of complex epididymal abnormalities in cryptorchidism (p less than 0.001). Elongated epididymis may present problems for sperm maturation and transportation, although with no other associated abnormality most can be regarded as patent. In our theory cases of elongation plus other major abnormalities probably are associated with severe impairment in sperm maturation and hindered transportation, with the future intrascotal or extrascrotal position of the testis or early surgical repair being of little importance in terms of fertility.