Food consumption and poverty in rural Jamaica

The relationship between food consumption and poverty is explored at an integrated rural development project site. Household food consumption was estimated by a 24-h recall and socioeconomic data were obtained by questionnaire. The sample of 110 households was randomly selected from the 3 functionally defined strata: households operating 1 acre (Landless), 1-3 acres (Deficit) and 3.1-5.9 acres (Subsistence). Protein-energy ratios were generally adequate, but energy intakes < 80% of recommended levels were observed in almost 1/3 of the households. Poverty conditions which differed in nature and intensity for the 3 strata were associated with deficits. Indications are that the solution is not a simple aggregate increase in food production, but rather it must involve development activities which increase the effective demand of food among the deprived households.