Non-linear conversion between genetic and physical chromosomal distances

Summary: A supervised nonlinear interpolation significantly improves the reliability of conversions from genetic distances to physical distances as compared with the linear ones. A webaccessible application was created that addresses this question with a graphical presentation that may be wrapped by local installations. Motivation: Genetic linkage maps and radiation hybrid (RH) maps are based on the rate of uncoupling between linked genetic markers. These are usually measured in centiMorgan (cM) when uncoupling is originated by natural recombination or in centiRay (cR) for chromosomes that are irradiated artificially to separate the markers. Physical maps arise from genome-wide DNA sequencing and are measured in bp. This work was originally motivated as an extension of the software application Expressionview (Fischer et al., 2003), exploring its spectrum of appliance combining different mapping systems. The relationship between physical and genetic maps is known to be not always linear (Yu et al., 2001). The shift from the linear model seems to depend on local idiosyncrasies of the chromosomes and the kind of genetic map used. The present application addresses this problem for the first time. Availability:

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