Growth and selenium uptake of range plants propagated in uranium mine soils

High soil selenium (Se) levels have been found in association with uranium deposits in Texas. A concern that high Se concentrations may be found in forages grown on reclaimed mine lands prompted this investigation. A native soil sampled near the mining area, and overburden materials sampled from two Se enriched uranium mine spoil sites were compared in a plant growth study in the greenhouse. Shoot yields and shoot Se concentration in each of ten grasses common to the region were determined from plants harvested three weeks after germination and from shoot regrowth harvested four weeks after the first harvest. Shoot weights were reduced for 5 of the 10 species growing in soils with medium and high Se status. Total shoot weights of Cynodon dactylon and Panicum coloratum from two harvests were consistently highest in all soil materials and are highly recommended for use as a stabilizing cover crop for lands disturbed from uranium mining. Generally, no correlation was observed between shoot weight and plant Se concentration or uptake in the 10 species. However, plant tissue Se concentrations in all species for at least one of the two harvest dates were above the 5 mg kg‐1 concentration considered potentially harmful to grazing livestock. Therefore, none of these species would be a suitable forage for livestock grazing on reclaimed Se‐enriched uranium mining overburden.