Structural modeling analysis of body dysphoria and eating disorder symptoms in preadolescent girls

Researchers have identified eating disorders among prepubertal children, and attention is being focused on children who may be at risk for developing an eating disorder. In this investigation, a total of 148 girls ages 8 to 13 in grades 3 through 7 completed the Children's Eating Attitudes Test, Children's Depression Inventory, Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale, the physical appearance and attributes items, and a measure of social pressure for thinness. The Body Image Assessment procedures for children (BIA-C) and preadolescents (BIA-P) were also administered The LISREL VII program was used to test a structural model of the development of eating disorder symptoms in preadolescent girls. The results of this study supported the prediction that body dysphoria, social pressure for thinness, low self-esteem, and depression are significant risk factors for eating disorder symptoms in preadolescent girls.