An autoradiographic study of the rubroolivary tract in the rhesus monkey

Autoradiographic tracing methods were employed to study the course and distribution of the rubroolivary tract following unilateral injections of tritiated leucine into the rostral red nucleus of seven rhesus monkeys. A topographic organization of projections to the ipsilateral principal nucleus of the inferior olivary complex was demonstrated. Lateral and medial portions of the rostral red nucleus projected to medial parts of the dorsal and ventral laminae of the principal inferior olive respectively; neurons in intermediate lateralities emitted fibers which terminated in lateral parts of the principal olive. Injections involving the oral end of the rostral red nucleus elicited label overlying the medial accessory olive in addition to the principal nucleus. Projections to the medial accessory olive may have arisen from the rostral end of the red nucleus and/or the immediately adjacent tegmentum. There were no projections to the dorsal accessory olive. Fibers of rubral origin also were distributed ipsilaterally to several reticular nuclei including the pedunculopontine, pontis oralis, caudalis, and gigantocellularis.