The Role of Preoperative Adjuvant Treatment in the Management of Esthesioneuroblastoma: The University of Virginia Experience

Multidisciplinary management of esthesioneuroblastoma has effected markedly increased survival during the past 20 years. The potential for radical craniofacial surgery for complete en bloc resection, the availability of advanced neuroimaging modalities, and the incorporation of neoadjuvant therapy into treatment strategies for tumor remission have all contributed to this accomplishment. However, a standard protocol for the management of these lesions has not been accepted; preoperative radiation and chemotherapy have been advocated, but neither radiographic nor clinical response has been quantified. Thirty-four consecutive patients with biopsy-proven esthesioneuroblastoma treated at one institution from 1976 to 1994 were reviewed to determine the effects of preoperative radiation therapy, with or without chemotherapy, on tumor size and long-term survival. In a multivariate regression analysis, advanced age was predictive of decreased disease-free survival (P = 0.008), whereas advanced Kadish stage was associated with a borderline higher rate of disease-related mortality (P = 0.056). Two-thirds of the patients showed a significant reduction in tumor burden with adjuvant therapy. Patients with response to neoadjuvant therapy demonstrated a significantly lower rate of disease-related mortality (P = 0.050). In this series, the overall 5- and 10-year survival rates were 81.0 and 54.5%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Preoperative neoadjuvant therapy provides a valuable complement to radical craniofacial resection, leading to reduction in tumor burden. Patients experiencing reduction in tumor volume by neoadjuvant therapy demonstrate an improved prognosis.