Electrocardiographic Indications of Atrial Puncture during Pericardiocentesis

PERICARDIOCENTESIS with electrocardiographic monitoring, with the use of the technic suggested by Bishop et al.1 of employing the pericardial needle as an exploring electrode, is widely practiced. Elevation of the ST segment indicates that contact of the needle with the ventricular epicardium or myocardium has been made.The purpose of this report is to emphasize the electrocardiographic manifestations of inadvertent puncture of the right atrium during pericardiocentesis.M.M. (S.U.H. 30–40–16), a 47-year-old Japanese woman, underwent catheterization of the right and, retrograde, of the left sides of the heart that confirmed the diagnosis of endocardial-cushion defect. Left ventricular angiography performed through . . .