Experimental Equine Leukoencephalomalacia, Toxic Hepatosis, and Encephalopathy Caused by Corn Naturally Contaminated with Fumonisins

A study to evaluate the effects of dietary fumonisin B, was conducted using 6 ponies (4 test and 2 control). A ration naturally contaminated with fumonisin B, was fed in 3 phases: 1) 44 ppm fumonisin B1, 2) less than 1 ppm fumonisin B1, and 3) 88 ppm fumonisin B,. All ponies were monitored daily, weighed weekly, and limit fed at a rate of 0.8% body weight plus hay. Feed intake was measured daily, and a serum chemistry panel was completed once or twice weekly. Four to 7 days after initiation of the trial (Phase 1), all 4 test ponies had decreased feed consumption, and selected serum chemistry parameters were markedly elevated. On day 9, 1 pony died acutely with mild encephalopathy and hepatic necrosis. Another pony, euthanized on day 45, also had mild encephalopathy and hepatic necrosis. The remaining 2 test ponies continued the 44 ppm fumonisin B, diet for 98 days. Phase 2 consisted of a diet with < 1 ppm fumonisin B, for 120 days. During this phase, the serum chemistry values of the 2 ponies returned to normal. Following Phase 2, the 2 ponies were fed a diet containing 88 ppm fumonisin B1. After 75 days, 1 animal died of equine leukoencephalomalacia with mild hepatic necrosis. On day 78, the remaining pony was euthanized after showing distress; it also had leukoencephalomalacia and hepatic lesions.