Hypocalcemia during restraint stress in rats

The influence of restraint stress on serum calcium (Ca) and phosphate was studied in normal and thyroidectomized rats. In addition the response of gastric stress ulcer index,blood gastrin and glucagon to exogenous Ca was investigated. In intact as well as in thyroidectomized animals serum total, ionised and previously injected radioactive Ca decrease during an 8h stress period, whereas inorganic phosphate increases. Together with a constant specific activity these findings are consistent with hypoparathyroidism and calcitonin independent hypocalcemia during stress. Intragastric infusion of 45 mg/kg Ca-gluconate per 8h proves to be a potent anti-stress ulcer regimen in intact and neck-sham operated, but not in thyroidectomized rats without and with additional adrenal demedullation. Gastrin and glucagon were not correlated with calcemia during either stress alone or stress combined with intragastric Ca infusion. It is suggested that the development of gastric stress ulcerations can be prevented by a Ca-mediated release of endogenous calcitonin.