Histamine in endocrine cells in the stomach

Antibodies to histamine were used to examine the localization of the amine in cells of the stomach and upper small intestine of a great variety of species, including cartilaginous and bony fish, amphibia, reptiles (lizard), birds (chicken) and a large number of mammals. In all species gastric histamine was localized in endocrine cells (invariably found in the epithelium) and mast cells (usually with an extra-epithelial localization). The endocrine cells were identified as such by immunostaining with antibodies to chromogranin A and the mast cells were identified by toluidine blue staining. Histamine-immunoreactive endocrine cells were found almost exclusively in the acid-producing part of the stomach; only rarely were such cells observed in the pyloric gland area. They were fairly numerous in the gastric mucosa of the two subclasses of fish as well as in the amphibia and reptile species studied. Here, the majority of the histamine-immunoreactive endocrine cells seemed to have contact with the gastric lumen (open type cells) and were located in the surface epithelium (certain fish only) or together with mucous neck cells at the bottom of the pits. In the chicken, histamine-immunoreactive endocrine cells were numerous and located peripherally in the deep compound glands. They were without contact with the lumen (closed type) and had long basal extensions (“paracrine” appearance), running close to the base of the oxyntico-peptic cells. In mammals, the number of histamine-immunoreactive endocrine cells in the stomach varied greatly. They were particularly numerous in the rat and notably few in the dog, monkey and man. In all mammals, the histamine-immunoreactive endocrine cells were of the closed type and located basally in the oxyntic glands. They often had a “paracrine” appearance with long basal processes. Histamine-storing mast cells, finally, were few in both subclasses of fish as well as in the amphibian species and in the lizard. They were fairly numerous in chicken proventriculus (beneath the surface epithelium), few in the oxyntic mucosa of mouse, rat and hamster, moderate in number in hedge-hog, guinea-pig, rabbit, pig and monkey, and numerous in cat, dog and man. In the oxyntic mucosa of the latter three species mast cells sometimes seemed to have an intraepithelial localization which made their distinction from endocrine cells difficult. In newborn cats (1–3 days old) in human foetuses (17–24 weeks gestational age) mast cells were relatively few in the gastric mucosa and the histamine-containing endocrine cells were easier to demonstrate as a consequence. Patients with achlorhydria (and pernicious anemia) or suffering from hypergastrinemia due to gastrinoma had a greatly increased number of histamine-storing endocrine cells in the oxyntic mucosa compared with normal individuals.