The Internal Field Parameters for Liquid Crystals

This paper presents calculations of the internal field constants γe for four homologous liquid crystal materials in their nematic and crystalline phases. We find that for the nematic phase, the γeS 2 curve is nearly a straight line for each compound. When one extrapolates the straight line to S 2 = 1, the corresponding γe value is nearly equal to γ∥, the crystalline internal field constant. The birefringence data used are those reported by Somashekar et al.4 The four compounds studied are: (1) p(p'-ethoxyphenylazo)phenyl valerate; (2) p(p'-ethoxyphenylazo)phenyl hexanote; (3) p(p'-ethoxyphenylazo)phenyl heptanoate; (4) p(p'-ethoxyphenylazo)phenyl undecylenate.

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