The Raman spectrum of liquid CF2Br–CF2Br has been investigated, and the observed frequency shifts (Δν cm—1), relative intensities and depolarization factors are presented. The infrared absorption spectrum of the liquid in the 2—34μ region, and of the solid and vapor in the 2—22μ region have also been studied. On the basis of observations of the Raman spectrum of the liquid and the infrared spectrum of the vapor, liquid, and solid it is concluded that CF2Br–CF2Br exists as two isomeric species. Of these, the trans‐form (C2H) is the more stable, while the gauche‐(C2) is probably the higher energy form. The value of ΔH° for the reaction trans‐(C2H) ← gauche‐(C2) was found to be 925±50 calories/mole in the liquid and 945±50 calories/mole in the vapor state.

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