1. The effect on protein quality of treating a commercial rat diet by autoclaving at various temperatures for different periods of time, or by irradiation with 2.5 or 10 Mrd, was studied. True digestibility (TD) and biological value (BV) were measured and the available and total amino acids in the diets were estimated using microbiological and chemical methods..2. Autoclaving at 121° for 60 min reduced BV, TD and net protein utilization (NPU) more than autoclaving at 134° for 3 min. Availability of amino acids was reduced by both treatments but to a greater extent by autoclaving at 121° for 60 min. Total amino acids were essentially unaffected. Irradiation had no effect on BV, TD, NPU or total amino acids, and the availability of amino acids was also unaffected, with the exception of lysine which was slightly reduced..3. When the diet was autoclaved at 115 or 121° for 15, 30 or 60 min, or at 134° for 3 min the availability of the amino acids was reduced with increasing time and temperature of treatment. Treatment at 134° for 3 min had an effect on available amino acids similar to treatment at 121° for 15 or 30 min..4. Ethylene oxide fumigation of the diet caused reduced availability of histidine, methionine and tryptophan but had negligible effect on arginine, leucine and lysine..5. It is concluded that from a practical point of view irradiation causes least damage to proteins in rodent diets. If such diets are to be autoclaved they should be supplemented with complete protein to counteract amino acid destruction.

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