Anomalous critical slowing down of spin fluctuations in Gd observed withDy161Mössbauer effect

Using sources of Dy161Gd produced directly by thermal neutron irradiation of Gd160-enriched Gd metal, we have observed Mössbauer line broadening in the reduced temperature range 3×104<t<3×102 above Tc. The excess linewidth diverges according to the power law ΔΓc=Dtw, with w in the range 0.21<w<0.28 depending on fitting procedure. On the assumption that the spin fluctuations are isotropic and describable by dynamical scaling theory, we conclude that the dynamical exponent z lies in the range 1.3<z<1.52. This range is anomalously low, since even with dipolar or pseudodipolar perturbations of isotropic short-range exchange interactions one expects z=2.0.