Interactions of backward and forward masking

The interaction between backward and forward masking was investigated [in man] for conditions in which a signal was presented in the same ear as the masker, monotically, or in the contralateral ear, dichotically. The SPL [sound pressure level] of a signal required for equal detectability was determined in both monotic and dichotic backward and forward masking paradigms and in paradigms that combined backward and forward masking. In most cases, the combination of the various masking conditions produced a greater effect than either masker alone. Further investigation of the interaction of monotic forward and dichotic backward masking was conducted. Within intermasker intervals of 15, 25 and 45 ms signal SPL for equal detectability were determined for different temporal placements of the signal. When a contralateral backward masker was added to a forward masking paradigm, the signal must be increased by a constant amount to remain equally detectable. This constant increase was larger for the 15 ms masker separation than either the 25 or 45 ms separations.

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