New muscle fiber production during compensatory hypertrophy

SALLEO, ALBERTO, GIUSEPPE ANASTASI, GIUSEPPA LA SPADA, GIUSEPPINA FALZEA, and MARIA G. DENARO. New muscle fiber production during compensatory hypertrophy. Med. Sci. Sports Exercise. Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 268–273, 1980. Morphological changes exhibited by satellite cells during compensatory hypertrophy have been observed through a scanning electron microscope on m. plantaris of young, adult rats. Compensatory hypertrophy was induced by ablation of the synergistic m. gastrocnemius. Muscles were observed 15, 30, and 60 days postoperative. A consistent increase in wet-weight of m. plantaris (60.3,77.2, and 93.7% more than the contralateral control muscle) indicated the degree of developing hypertrophy. The satellite cells exhibited the following successive changes: (1) cells enlarged and became freed of connective network sheath, (2) cell distance from the associated fibers increased though still attached to the latter, (3) subsequent cell division, giving rise to rows of cells, that with time-lapse formed elongated structures with a common sheath, (4) elongated structures developed into new muscle fibers.